Los deportes pueden ayudar a promover la paz mundial

2023-09-28 09:00

Helvética Neue
con sus vecinos, el presidente se refirió el sábado a este principio durante sus conversaciones con líderes extranjeros.Helvética Neue,

PVC Piping

El presidente del COI, Thomas Bach, dijo a Xi el viernes:Creo que habrá unos Juegos Asiáticos maravillosos y exitosos que promoverán la unidad y la amistad de Asia.

Dijo que el COI está comprometido a salvaguardar la no politización del deporte, que cuenta con un amplio apoyo de la comunidad mundial, y respalda la posición correcta de China al respecto.

El príncipe heredero de Kuwait, jeque Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, dijo que las propuestas del presidente Xi para aprovechar la Iniciativa de la Franja y la Ruta, la Iniciativa de Desarrollo Global, la Iniciativa de Seguridad Global y la Iniciativa de Civilización Global son


","Microsoft Ya Hei

"Microsoft Ya Hei"Co-construir la Franja y la Ruta, así como una comunidad de futuro compartido para la humanidad, reforzando los medios de vida locales y

,"Microsoft Ya Hei"Ma Xiaolin, profesor y director del Instituto de Estudios sobre la Cuenca Mediterránea de la Universidad de Estudios Internacionales de Zhejiang, dijo que China, como importante país en desarrollo y segunda economía más grande del mundo,"Nunca ha olvidado su responsabilidad social como país importante de Asia y del mundo.".

"Los Juegos Asiáticos de Hangzhou son el evento de la ciudad."El escenario más grande para mostrar la imagen de China al mundo exterior y promover intercambios cara a cara entre personas de todos los países.

Microsoft Ya Hei"Yasir Habib Khan, escritor de The Nation, el principal periódico de Pakistán, señaló que el regreso del cricket a los Juegos Asiáticos y su inclusión en los eventos de Hangzhou"Es un momento crucial para el deporte y para los esfuerzos diplomáticos de China.

Microsoft Ya Hei"La inclusión del cricket en los Juegos Asiáticos"

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As this year marks the 10th anniversary of Xi's proposing the concept of China seeking "amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness" with its neighbors, the president referred on Saturday to this principle during his talks with foreign leaders.

Speaking with Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni, Xi said that China-Cambodia relations epitomize this principle, and he noted China's commitment to good-neighborliness and partnership with its neighbors in its diplomacy in the region.

The king hailed the two-way iron-clad, brotherly relations, saying that his country stands ready to work with China on Belt and Road cooperation and build a Cambodia-China community with a shared future.

IOC President Thomas Bach told Xi on Friday, "I believe there will be successful and wonderful Asian Games that will promote the unity and friendship of Asia."

He said the IOC is committed to safeguarding the nonpoliticization of sport, which is broadly supported by the world community, and it endorses China's correct position on this.

Crown Prince of Kuwait Sheikh Mishal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah said President Xi's proposals to build on the Belt and Road Initiative, Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative and Global Civilization Initiative are "based on the noble goals and tenets of promoting the peace and progress of mankind", which Kuwait firmly supports and actively participates in.

Observers noted that Beijing's consistent pursuit of world prosperity and peace could also be seen in two joint statements released following Xi's talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and with Timor-Leste's Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao on Friday and Saturday, respectively.

In the two statements, China announced the establishment of a strategic partnership with Syria and a comprehensive strategic partnership with Timor-Leste.

Co-building the Belt and Road as well as a community with a shared future for mankind, bolstering local livelihoods and "jointly advancing genuine multilateralism" in the international arena are among common points of consensus noted in the two statements.

Ma Xiaolin, a professor and director of Zhejiang International Studies University's Institute for Studies on the Mediterranean Rim, said China, as a major developing country and the world's second-largest economy, "has never forgotten its social responsibility as a major country in Asia and the world".

The Hangzhou Asian Games are the city's "biggest stage to showcase China's image to the outside world and to promote face-to-face exchanges among people from all countries" since Hangzhou hosted the G20 Summit seven years ago, he said.

Yasir Habib Khan, a writer for The Nation, Pakistan's leading newspaper, noted that cricket's return to the Asian Games and its inclusion in the Hangzhou events "is a pivotal moment for the sport and for China's diplomatic endeavors", as teams of both Pakistan and India now may have the chance to embark on friendly rivalry at the games.

The inclusion of cricket in the Asian Games "showcases China's commitment to using sports as a bridge for international engagement and cooperation", he wrote.

The Asian Games in Hangzhou serve as "testament to the power of sports to unite nations, break down barriers, and craft a shared narrative of friendship and cooperation on the global stage", he added.

Reporter: Zhang Yunbi

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